Come along to the Multipurpose Room for some yoga exercises every Tuesday and Thursday. Such a great way to start your day and you are certain to feel much better afterwards!
Come along to a session with qualified instructor Kathy Cook. Practicing qigong may improve fitness, reduce anxiety and depression, lower blood pressure, relieve chronic pain, strengthen the immune and respiratory systems, and improve overall well-being.
Happy Hour, either on the Terrace or inside the Community Centre, depending on weather. Bar is open.
Zumba is a great way to exercise and move your body whilst having fun, sing along and a dance. With moves that are easy to do, great music and a great group to have fun with. Come and join us we would love to see you here. Ladies and Gents are welcome.
Everyone is welcome to join in some low impact Exercise.
A gentle, friendly man navigates a series of extraordinary events, all while inspiring those around him with his perpetual optimism.Starring: Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise
Come down to the bowling green for a game of Bowls. Please arrive no later than 8:45am so teams can be organised in time for an 9am start.
Come along to the Multipurpose Room for some yoga exercises every Tuesday and Thursday. Such a great way to start your day and you are certain to feel much better afterwards!
Stitch and Share is a group everyone is welcome to. Bring along your knitting, crocheting, stitching etc or just come up for a chat and a cuppa from Busy Baking. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday each month in the Community Centre Lounge.
Does Technology baffle you? Come & meet with fellow residents, have a coffee & see if we can help each other out.2nd & 4th Thursday of each month at 2pm in the Community Centre Lounge.